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Check out other great fan sites dedicated to Big Frank!

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Justin Deperoni has one of the finest 1990's inserts collections of the Big Man, and he does a good job at updating them online:


Patrick Greenough showcases his Frank Thomas collection, and zest for the hobby in general, maintaining a hobby blog and catalog of radical cards at the following addresses: (blog) (fan site)


George Lusardi collects most things Frank Thomas, but his passion is for promos.  Check out the most complete inventory of Frank Thomas samples on the web:


Steve Mangini is a Frank Thomas supercollector who is just venturing into the realm of a web presence.  Watch his site grow at:

Frank Thomas - The Big Hurt


Lance Tanaka once maintained the best online hobby and general resource site for Frank Thomas collectors in the world; if you can't talk to Frank, talk to Lance instead.  His site is currently down, with no word of when or if it will be available again, but I'll link an archived version out of respect:


Wade Tyree is to pieces of Frank Thomas' game used equipment as Lebron is to the Spurs...he owns them.  View the most amazing memorabilia collection in the world:


Jeff Vitale runs a clean site with some mean Frank Thomas content, featuring some of the best scans of individual cards online.  Jeff isn't biased either, he scans it all:


© 2013 by Ross Clark. All rights reserved.  This is an unofficial fan site and has zero association with Frank Thomas, the National Baseball Hall of Fame, Major League Baseball, or its affiliates.

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